Nouveau produit

Patagonian Channels

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US$ 11.95

  • Waterproof plastic

Fiche technique

AUTHOR Sergio Zagier
ISBN 9781879568969
SCALE 1:400 000
LANGUAGE English + Español
SIZE 70 x 100
WEIGHT (kg) 0.100
PRICE (paper) US$ 9.95
PRICE (waterproof) US$ 11.95

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1:1.400.000, 1:250.000, 1:200.000

Historical and hydrographical chart. Cruise log for the intrincate coast of the south of South America. Insets of Beagle Channel "Glaciers Avenue", Agostini Fjord, Wulaia Inlet and Romanche Bay.

Carta hidrografica historica. Permite seguir el derrotero de los cruceros que recorren los fiordos chilenos en la intrincada costa del sur de Sudamerica. Ampliaciones del Seno Agostini, de la "Avenida de los Glaciares" del Canal Beagle, de la Caleta Wulaia y Bahia Romanche.

New!! Waterproof, durable, tear-resistant edition. US$ 11.95



Glad it's not a puzzle.

Shows the passages with more definition. If you enjoy looking at maps, this is very interesting. A must if you are visiting the area and want to understand the route that you are following around the horn. []


Great map

My husband and I will be on two (back to back) South American cruises in 2009, going from Buenos Aires to Valparaiso, via Cape Horn. This map is fantastic...we've spent some enjoyable hours contemplating the map and our upcoming trip. The map helps put into perspective the whole idea of the South American coastline, Cape Horn, the channels, the strait, the fjords and the ports of call. I couldn't find anything this good just browsing through websites, we can lay the map out in front of us and see it all in one go. We will be taking the map with us on the cruises too, of course. []


Exactly What We Needed

I ordered this map for a cruise we were taking in South America. The cruise began in Valparaiso, Chile and ended in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Although the map did not cover the complete area it did cover, in depth the areas of the Beagle Channel, Chilean fjords, Straits of Magellan and Cape Horn. My husband was thrilled with this map and the fact that we were able to track this part of the voyage in great detail. We saw another couple on the trip with the exact map. Buy with confidence if you are taking this trip.


Patagonian & Fuegian Channels Map

In reviewing places to see while on out forthcoming cruise to South aAmerica I noticed several travelers had commented on the map covering the southern part of South America. In fact many wrote that would not be without this map as they sailed around the southern part of South America. . They were able to identify form the map many of the inlets, islands, etc in that area. We planed to do the same. the map looks very nice and we will put it to a good use. []


Cape Horn, the tip of an Amazing Place

A map in an atlas gives no idea as to the complexity of the bottom of South America with its thousands of islands. This map opened up this amazing place for my astonished gaze. I am preparing to take a cruise around Cape Horn and through some of the straits, channels and fiords I have bought five of these maps for family distribution and it is money well spent. We tend to think of Cape Horn as the tip of a huge land mass. Here we discover it is actually a relatively small island. The map is extremely detailed and would rank almost in the category of a navigation chart. It includes many prompts to remind us of the intrepid explorers and seamen who risked their lives here under terrible conditions. To view this map is to want to know more. []


Terrific detail

This map was posted outside the gift shop on our cruise ship but a highly inferior one was actually for sale in the store, so when I got home I sought out the real thing. The island archipelago of southern Chile is incredibly dense and complicated. You can't find any online map that's as detailed as this one. I only wish it went further north, to Puerto Montt and Chiloe Island, and to a similar point in Argentina. Still, it’s a fabulous map. []

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Patagonian Channels


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